what s the hottest possible rature large hadron collider triples its own cern physicists break record for coldest ratures in the universe hottest substance in the universe 7 2 trillion degree fahrenheit heavy ion collider large hadron collider formed hottest particle soup may reveal is there a limit to how hot an object physicists tune large hadron collider record set for hottest rature on earth large hadron collider sun rature alice project at large hadron collider 10 mind ing facts about the lhc first ten years of the lhc the scientists crash lead nuclei together large hadron collider formed lhc primordial matter is hottest stuff hot nuclear matter featured in science crash testing the largest experiment collider physics group ifae brookhaven s rhic sets record bnl scientists set new rature record relativistic heavy ion collider large hadron collider sets world record large hadron collider 7 tev experiment heat record large hadron collider switches on at large hadron collider what s the hottest rature possible