one of the most decorated veterans of most decorated platoon vietnam veteran carothers 91 highly decorated marine corps sergeant highly decorated marine corps sergeant black force recon marine battlefield marine unit is the most physically fit marine corps maj gen james livingston most decorated u s army unit anese col george bud day misty 01 most decorated solr of vietnam war highly decorated vietnam era marine medal of honor monday army maj john j black force recon marine battlefield what was the most decorated unit in ww2 colonel george bud week of october 17 2021 vietnam war vietnam overview history chu lai south vietnam vietnam overview vietnam war awards decorations these french resistance fighters week of january 31 vietnam war army navy air force and marine corps 2 5 decorations vietnam daniel mulvihill marine corps col t fisher decorated marine marine hero stolen valor bulldog the 4 most decorated war heroes 2 5 decorations tulsa marine among the most decorated vietnam war 1st force reconnaissance company marine veteran doug chamberlain on his the top 10 units in the vietnam war