eat more potium rich foods to what happens if you eat too much salt heart health in a high salt t salt and sodium the nutrition source body when you eat too much salt is salt bad for you daily sodium intake 29 foods to avoid with kidney disease balancing sodium and potium for much salt increase blood sugar why low sodium salt is bad for health 10 high sodium foods to avoid 8 ways eating too much salt is hurting low potium t benefits and how it recommended daily salt intake 6 signs you re eating too much salt a salt subsute may cut stroke risk potium rich foods counteract high salt and not enough potium sodium intake and health salt cravings why they occur and what how much sodium should you eat in a day what happens if you eat too much salt 6 common hydration mistakes kidney disease t what to eat are salt subsutes safe is sodium salt what you need to know sodium potium test explore all potium in patients with kidney disease 10 foods that are high in potium kidney disease and potium t do s potium enriched salt subsution swapping table salt for a potium